International CataLysis Networking Conference 2022

International CataLysis Networking Conference 2022

  • 03.05.2022


03.05.2022 - 05.05.2022    
All Day


Conference Venue:   Hotel LaStradaRaiffeisenstraße 10, 34121 Kassel

Program Update

Registration is closed.

The program including all abstracts and posters can be accessed for registered participants HERE.
Please login to your account and navigate to „C3 overview“ – „Conference Schedule“.

At the conference this interactive program and additional information will be available in an App, optimized for mobile devices (no installation required).
Participants receive the link to this App via E-mail.

A PDF version of the program for self-printing is available HERE. We will NOT provide print-outs at the conference!


Regulations regarding COVID-19

Please test yourself for COVID-19 before travelling to the conference!
Once you are there, we provide COVID 19 tests for each participant, which you will receive upon registration. Please test yourself each day before entering public areas.

Medical masks are obligatory during the whole event except for speakers during their talks and when drinking or eating.
Please keep appropriate distance at all times.


The CataLysis Conference 2022 will bring together the communities of the German DFG-funded collaborative research centers (CRCs) or Transregios (TRRs) working within the field of catalysis. Up to 400 participants form the CataLysis CRCs will have the chance to exchange on their latest fascinating research and to discuss interdisciplinary topics like F.A.I.R. research data (together with NFDI4Cat). Furthermore, we will have amazing, selected talks (four per CRC), presented in two parallel sessions, every project will have the chance to present a poster and we will provide a panel for networking for early-career group leaders.

To stimulate discussion, leading national and international experts will present keynote plenary lectures.

Accepted Keynote Talks:

Prof. Silvia Bordiga, University of Turin, Italy – „Copper speciation in Cu-exchanged zeolites“

Prof. Jillian Dempsey, UNC Chapel Hill, USA – „Generating Solar Fuels with Hybrid Photoelectrodes“

Prof. Carmine Gaeta, University of Salerno, Italy  –  „Biomimetic Supramolecular Catalysis in Confined Space

Prof. Graham Hutchings, University of Cardiff, UK – „Catalysis using gold nanomaterials“

Prof. Jenny Yang, University of California, Irvine, USA – „Bioinspired Catalysts for Renewable Fuels“

Prof. Ulrike Diebold, TU Wien, Austria – „Establishing the fundamentals: atomically-resolved chemistry with surface science techniques

We are especially happy to announce the keynote  from our newest member, CRC 325 “Assembly Controlled Chemical Photocatalysis”. They started out in July 2021 and their spokesperson Prof. Thorsten Bach will be our guest presenting their overall goals.

We will start at 13:00 h on May 3, have a full day on May 4 and finish by 16:00 h on May 5.

If you have any questions, please contact your local CRC coordinator.

See you in Kassel!

The CataLysis Organization Team